Her Majesty Queen Máxima performed the christening ceremony for Wagenborg’s Easymax vessels Máxima and Alexia during Delfsail on 14 June in the presenece of 2000 employees and guests. The christening of the Alexia was the world’s first name giving and christening ceremony by drone.

Queen Máxima performed the christening by pushing a button after which a drone flew to shipyard Niestern Sander a mile ahead, where the Easymax vessel is nearing completion, and christened yard number 853 Alexia.

Queen Máxima continued with the christening of her “own” vessel. For this special event, the vessel Máxima was moored along the terminal of shipyard Royal Niestern Sander in Wagenborg’s home port Delfzijl. After the name giving and christening ceremony, 42 dancers carrying a flag representing all present countries gave a spectacular dance performance.

Her Majesty Queen Máxima spoke to the contractors, who build both Easymax vessels, various domestic and foreign guests who are closely involved with Wagenborg and the offspring of shareholders, who shared their ideas about a sustainable future. During a tour by boat through the port, Queen Máxima met various captains of the tall ships.

Also read: Construction of Wagenborg’s EasyMax 4 in full swing

126 years of Wagenborg

During the programme, Wagenborg looked back on 126 years of Wagenborg with all attendees and casts a glance at the future of the family company. The Easymax ships play a prominent role in this future. Wagenborg is therefore particularly proud Queen Máxima was its guest of honour during Delfsail.

Egbert Vuursteen, CEO of Royal Wagenborg: ‘In 1995, we had the christening of Kroonborg by then Crown Prince Willem Alexander. In 2009, then Queen Beatrix christened our Beatrix and now Her Majesty the Queen Máxima was our guest of honour during Delfsail. I am delighted that she wanted to christen no fewer than two vessels!’

Also read: Wagenborg’s third EasyMax arrives in home port


The Easymax is the latest ice-strengthened vessel type with unmatched fuel efficiency performance. Today, with the lowest CO2 footprint per tonne of cargo carried, the Easymax series leads the global Energy Efficiency Design Index. The ship has the traditional Wagenborg red-grey colours.

The EasyMax concept is a multi-purpose vessel with a load capacity of 14,000 tonnes and was developed by Royal Wagenborg and Niestern Sander. Wagenborg was awarded the KVNR Maritime Shipping Award for this ship design in 2017, partly due to its superior fuel efficiency.

With its load capacity and hold volume of more than 625,000 cft, the EasyMax is the biggest ship type ever built in the north of the Netherlands on the landward side of the dikes. With a length of 149.95 metres, a beam of 15.90 metres and a draught of 8.60 metres, the EasyMax has the maximum possible dimensions for the Royal Niestern Sander shipyard. The ship features two large box-shaped holds and ice class 1A.

Picture by Royal Wagenborg.

Also read: Wagenborg orders fifth EasyMax vessel