Colophon and contact details

The SWZ|Maritime magazine, published 11 times a year, is published by the Stichting Schip en Werf de Zee (SWZ), in which the Royal Dutch Society of Marine Engineers (KNVTS) and the Stichting de Zee participate. SWZ|Maritime is the membership magazine of the KNVTS.

Through participation in Stichting de Zee of the seafarers’ union Nautilus International and the Nederlandse Vereniging van Kapiteins ter Koopvaardij (Dutch Association of Masters in Merchant Shipping, NVKK), members of these organisations also have a subscription to SWZ|Maritime.

Stichting SWZ is the owner and publisher of the titles Schip & Werf de Zee and SWZ|Maritime. The SWZ board is formed by the participants in SWZ (KNVTS and Stichting de Zee), who each appoint four board members from the target groups of readers. The board consists of the following people:

On behalf of the KNVTS:

  • Dr. Ir. W. Veldhuyzen (KNVTS), chairman
  • Ing. P. Mast (KNVTS), treasurer
  • Dr. Ir. M. Th. van Hees (MARIN)

On behalf of Stichting de Zee:

  • W. T. Bos (NVKK)
  • H. Walthie (Nautilus NL)

The SWZ Foundation is assisted by an Advisory Board whose members include: Dr.Ir. A.C. Habben-Jansen, Prof.Ir. J.J. Hopman, Ir. A.H. Hubregtse, Ir. P.J. Keuning, Ir. A. Kik, Dr Ir H.J. Koelman, Ir. K. van der Meij, Drs M. van Rijsinge, Mrs E. Stroo-Moredo, Ir P.F. van Terwisga, Ing. H.A.B. Veraart, Ir K. Visser, Ir A.M. van Wijngaarden, Dr Ir P.R. Wellens


For non-member affiliated organisations:

Netherlands € 179.00*, abroad € 260.00, this includes: 11x SWZ|Maritime, the SWZ Newsletter and access to the digital edition of SWZ|Maritime and the digital archive. Subscribing is available here.
* This price excludes 9% VAT and € 3.95 administration costs.

Subscriptions are taken out until further notice. Cancellation can only be made by sending a letter or e-mail four weeks before the end of the current subscription period.

  • For changes (in address or cancellations) regarding membership of KNVTS:
    Telephone: 010 – 241 00 94, e-mail:, to become a member of KNVTS, please visit the KNVTS website.
  • For changes (in address or cancellations) regarding membership of members of Nautilus International:
    Phone: 010 – 477 11 88, e-mail:, to become a member of Nautilus International, please visit the Nautilus International website.
  • For changes (in address or cancellations) concerning membership of members of the NVKK and other subscriptions:
    E-mail:, subscriptions via the publisher can be requested through the link above, to become a member of the NVKK, please visit the NVKK website.

For complaints about delivery, contact Mybusinessmedia:

Publishing partner

SWZ|Maritime is published in cooperation with publishing partner Mybusinessmedia, Boreelplein 70, 7411 CG Deventer, phone: 0570 – 504 300, e-mail:


Mybusinessmedia, Bert Veninga, account manager, telephone: 06 – 515 86 888, e-mail:
All advertising contracts are concluded in accordance with the Advertising Regulations (Regelen voor het Advertentiewezen) filed with the courts in the Netherlands.

Contact details KNVTS/Stichting SWZ and editors SWZ|Maritime

Zeemansstraat 13, 3016 CN Rotterdam, telephone KNVTS (subscriptions and membership): 010 – 241 00 94,

Editorial staff (editorial matters only): telephone: 010 – 241 74 35, e-mail:, website: Press releases for our website can be sent to

  • Editors: G.J. de Boer, Ir. H. Boonstra, Ir. A. de Bruijn, M. van Dijk, Ing. A. Gerritsen, Ir. J. Huisman, Ir. J.H. de Jong, Ir. W. de Jong, B. Lenferink, Capt. H. Roorda, E. Verbeek, H. Sijpkens (SG William Froude)
  • Regular contributors to SWZ|Maritime: R. Costa, H. Heynen, B. Kuipers, R. van de Pol, E. Prato, and H.Chr. de Wilde
  • Editor in chief: A.A. Oosting
  • Copy editor and web editor: M.R. Buitendijk-Pijl, MA,
  • Magazine design: Bureau OMA, Doetinchem,
  • Printer: Printman,

© 2025: SWZ|Maritime

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