A motion of Dutch political party CDA has been adopted in the Dutch House of Representatives calling on the government to establish a maritime authority. With such an authority, the Dutch government should become more decisive through better coordination between policy and implementation.
Better services should then lead to an attractive Dutch flag and a better maritime business climate in the Netherlands. This is a precondition for the Netherlands to play a significant role at a European level and at the UN International Maritime Organization at a global level. This concerns, for instance, safety and making the sector more sustainable. A large representation of shipowners under the Dutch flag is also a boost for the Dutch maritime manufacturing industry and other maritime sectors.
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KVNR welcomes motion
The Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners (KVNR) welcomes the motion. The industry organisation has long advocated the establishment of such an authority to strengthen the Netherlands as a maritime country.
KVNR president Annet Koster: ‘With a strong maritime vision with implementation power as its foundation, the number of sea-going vessels under the Dutch flag should increase significantly. Partly through policy with the power to take action and implementation that provides services. The KVNR looks forward to the new cabinet’s invitation to contribute to the creation of a maritime authority.’
Number of Dutch-flagged sea-going vessels drops
According to figures in the annual Maritime Monitor, a total of 1236 ships sailed under the Dutch flag in 2015; that number remained fairly stable at 1212 ships in 2021. In 2022, however, the number of Dutch-flagged ships dropped by 66 ships to 1146 Dutch-flagged ships, a decline of more than ten per cent. According to KVNR figures, less than 1100 ships currently sail under the Dutch flag.
Also read: Dutch govt and sector put EUR 60 million in innovative shipbuilding
Broad political support for maritime authority
The motion for the establishment of a maritime authority was tabled on Thursday, 25 January, by CDA MP Eline Vedder, followed by a vote on 30 January. MPs from the ChristenUnie, SGP, BBB and VVD also signed the motion. In addition, PVV, NSC, D66, SP, Volt, FvD and JA21 also voted in favour of the motion. Thus, a large majority (119 votes) voted in favour of the motion with a clear mandate for the government.
With the motion, Vedder followed up her statement of 23 January, during the budget discussion of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management: ‘Sailing under the Dutch flag must become more attractive by establishing a maritime authority, which prioritises service provision, registration tasks and certification.’
Picture: Holland America Line’s MS Maasdam flying the Dutch flag (by Jean-Philippe Boulet, Wikimedia Commons).
Also read: ‘It took a war to put Dutch shipbuilding back on the agenda’