Container carrier X-Press Feeders has signed a contract with Value Maritime for the provision of its carbon capture and storage and Clean-Loop systems. They will be installed on board the MV Atlantis A and X-Press Elbe. Previously, the X-Press Feeders operated Nordica was also equipped with carbon capture and storage.
Value Maritime has been awarded the contract for the two vessels by Eastaway, a member of the X-Press Feeders Group. Both ships trade in North-West Europe and will be equipped with Value Maritime’s Carbon Capture and Clean Loop system and the retrofitting is expected to take place in late summer this year. Once the vessels are retrofitted, a twenty per cent emissions reduction is expected.
Also read: JR Shipping fits six more ships with Value Maritime’s filter and carbon capture system
CO2 battery
The two vessels will be outfitted with Value Maritime‘s Carbon Capture Module and CO2 Battery to capture and store CO2 on board. The system will capture carbon from the vessel’s exhaust and in turn charge the vessel’s CO2 Battery. This battery acts as an onboard storage facility, enabling the charging and discharging of CO2 indefinitely. The CO2 batteries will be offloaded and discharged at greenhouses in Europe where the CO2 will be re-used to grow crops or flowers.
With the Clean Loop system, the water used to clean the ship’s exhaust gases is filtered through Value Maritime’s smart filtration system and the ph is neutralised before discharge.
Also read: EPS and Value Maritime to install first carbon capture solution on tankers
This is not the first time an X-Press Feeders vessel has been equipped with Value Maritime’s carbon capture system. In 2021, Value Maritime’s first CO2 Capture Module and CO2 Battery were installed on Visser Shipping’s Nordica vessel, which is operated by X-Press Feeders. The Nordica is said to be the first vessel to capture and store CO2 on board a vessel whilst in operation.
Also read: Value Maritime to install CO2 capture and storage on container ship Nordica