The Nautical Institute’s latest Mars Report describes how an officer discovered how the rockets inside a line throwing device were inserted upside down. According to the Institute this shows the importance of inspection of basic equipment, as the the devices were delivered in this state.
The Nautical Institute gathers reports of maritime accidents and near-misses. It then publishes these so-called Mars Reports (anonymously) to prevent other accidents from happening. A summary of this incident:
An officer was tasked with pyrotechnic inspection and replacement. While undertaking the rocket replacement in the line throwing device (LTD) he found that the previously installed rocket had been inserted upside down, which would have certainly meant an improper activation if needed. The same was found in two other LTDs on board. It was found that the LTDs had been delivered in this state, but this defect had not been discovered during inspections.

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Advice from The Nautical Institute
The inspection of even the most basic equipment might lead to surprises. This task must be taken with the utmost seriousness as even manufacturers can make mistakes.
Mars Reports
This accident was covered in the Mars Reports, originally published as Mars 202160, that are part of Report Number 350. A selection of this Report was also published in SWZ|Maritime’s January 2022 issue. The Nautical Institute compiles these reports to help prevent maritime accidents. That is why they are also published on SWZ|Maritime’s website.
More reports are needed to keep the scheme interesting and informative. All reports are read only by the Mars coordinator and are treated in the strictest confidence. To submit a report, please use the Mars report form.
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