Damen Naval has signed a contract with Nevesbu for the platform engineering scope of the Plataforma Estratégica de Superficie (PES) frigate for Colombia. This scope includes both basic engineering and detailed engineering.

The collaboration highlights the strength of the Damen Shipyards Group, with Damen Naval and Nevesbu joining forces as sister companies within the organisation.

Nevesbu, a specialised naval architect and platform systems integrator, brings extensive experience in supporting Damen Naval projects, seamlessly integrating into the project team. The Nevesbu Platform Engineers work closely with Damen Naval Procurement to evaluate and contract suppliers to meet the equipment and service requirements of the PES frigate.

Also read: Damen Naval contracts LR for Colombian frigate

PES frigate to be built locally

Based on Damen Naval’s proven SIGMA 10514 series, the PES frigate is designed to combine versatility and combat capability while being tailored to meet Colombia’s specific requirements. This partnership allows Damen Naval to enable COTECMAR, Colombia’s leading shipyard in Cartagena, to construct a frigate locally for the first time.

‘This project highlights the power of collaboration within the Damen Shipyards Group, with Nevesbu’s advanced naval architecture and platform systems integration capabilities playing a key role,’ says Damen Naval Project Director Jasper Oreel. ‘Through our shared expertise, we contribute to a strong, self-sufficient defence industry in Colombia.’

The first PES frigate, set for delivery in 2030, represents a major milestone for Colombian shipbuilding. It combines global expertise with local job creation and knowledge sharing, paving the way for a stronger, more self-reliant industry.

Picture: Damen Naval signs contract with Nevesbu for Colombian PES Frigate. From left to right: Roland Briene, Managing Director, Damen Naval; Bart van Rijssen, Managing Director, Nevesbu; Yvonne Dortmans, Project Manager Procurement, Damen Naval; Jasper Oreel, Project Director, Damen Naval (photo by Damen Naval).

Also read: Damen and COTECMAR to build frigate in Colombia