AtoB@C Shipping took delivery of Stellamar, the second in the series of twelve plug-in hybrid general cargo vessels, on 5 April. It is said the Stellamar can reduce CO2 emissions by up to fifty per cent compared to the present generation of vessels, thanks to its shore power connectivity and large battery installation.

It also offers a quieter and cleaner operation while in port.

Stellamar is designed to carry a wide range of bulk and breakbulk products, such as steel, forest products, fertilizers and project cargoes. The vessel has a long unobstructed deck, which allows loading more deck cargo and longer project cargoes than the current vessels in the fleet. The crew accommodation and the bridge are located at the bow, which optimises the cargo capacity and improves visibility and safety of navigation.

Also read: AtoB@C takes delivery of next-gen electric hybrid vessel

Green Coaster Pool

Stellamar is the first vessel to be sold to the company formed by private and institutional investors once it arrives in Europe. All vessels of the series will be operated by AtoB@C Shipping in the Green Coaster Pool.

AtoB@C Shipping has ordered twelve plug-in hybrid vessels from Chowgule & Company. The first vessel in the series, Electramar, was delivered in December and seven are currently under construction.