Through its partner Tokyu Land Corporation, SolarDuck has won a contract to build Japan’s first offshore floating solar demonstrator in Tokyo Bay. In addition to floating solar, the area will also be used to demonstrate automated sailing boat technology.
The contract for the Tokyo Bay ESG Project was awarded by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. The project aims to create a sustainable city that looks fifty to 100 years into the future, and aims to implement cutting-edge technologies in the fields of “cutting-edge renewable energy,” “next-generation mobility,” and “environmental improvement and resource recycling” in the central breakwater area.
The Tokyo Bay ESG Project’s consortium consists of Tokyu Land Corporation (project owner), SolarDuck (offshore floating solar technology) and EverBlue (automated sailing boat with battery storage).
Also read: SolarDuck builds 5-MW of floating solar power at Dutch offshore wind farm
Energy transport by unmanned water drones
The three companies aim to realise local production for local consumption of energy in the Tokyo Bay Area in the future through the practical application of Japan’s first offshore floating photovoltaic power generation system, the use of renewable energy generated on the ocean to power electric-powered boats, and the demonstration of marine transportation of storage batteries.
EverBlue Technologies is working on an auto-manoeuvring yacht that uses renewable energy and technology for on-water drone mobility, with a focus on automated technology for sailboats that directly utilise wind power as propulsion. The company’s involvement in the Tokyo Bay is a scaled-down version of its Hydroloop concept, in which clean energy produced offshore is transported by unmanned, carbon-neutral-powered water drones.
Also read: RWE and SolarDuck to accelerate development of offshore floating solar