Van Oord has ordered the construction of two state-of-the-art water injection vessels at Kooiman Marine Group.
The new vessels will be multifunctional and will include systems that ensure optimal deployment. The first vessel will be commissioned in late 2020.
Water Injection Dredgers
Van Oord is a market leader in water injection dredging. To retain this position, the fleet is being extended to include two new water injection vessels. This new generation of vessels is versatile and has water injection dredging, mass flowing and power jetting systems.
The latest technological developments have also been applied, such as heave compensation and dynamic positioning, which means that the dredging can be pre-programmed to a great extent and performed more efficiently. Thanks to the manoeuvrability and very limited draught, the vessels are perfectly suitable for maintenance dredging in shallow harbours.
Hybrid Energy Management
During the design, the energy management of both vessels was given special attention. The new water injection vessels will be equipped with a hybrid energy management system. Consequently, the vessels can store energy in batteries from residual heat that is normally lost. This energy is subsequently used for purposes including propulsion.
Tier III and Stage V
Diesel-electric engines will reduce CO2 emissions. The new water injection vessels will comply with the new IMO Tier III legislation for reducing harmful NOx emissions and take account of EU STAGE V legislation.
Picture by Van Oord.