Gijsbert van Marrewijk (Berthan Research) studied the application of T-foils under fast ships and demonstrated their potential. His research landed him the Maritime Designer Award 2018.

Van Marrewijk's newly developed solution for controlling T-foils will potentially bring back the application of hydrofoils. Developments in the use of water taxis and bicycle ferries, in and between large cities, offer new possibilities to take this solution seriously again. The use of water as an alternative to (public) passenger transport may now become even more competitive since higher speeds can be achieved.

Proposed Follow-up Study

Of course, their safety deserves extra attention. This is also recognised by Gijsbert, and forms an important part of the proposed follow-up study.

The award was presented to Van Marrewijk at last night's Maritime Awards Gala in Zaandam, the Netherlands. The other nominee was Roy de Winter who was able to demonstrably accelerate the design process with the "Accelerated Concept Design" method.

Maritime Designer Award

The Maritime Designer Award is presented to individual designers, PhD students, graduates and start-ups who want to bring their work and approach to the attention of the public. The "Samenwerkende Maritieme Fondsen" (collaborative maritime foundations) make a maximum of € 24,000 available to the winner to financially stimulate further development of the design method or solution.