(With downloadable SWZ article) To stay competitive, companies need to keep innovating. Innovations result from people coming up with new solutions to problems. They can only create new solutions if they keep on learning.

To keep on learning throughout life, a certain skills set is required. That is why SWZ|Maritime editor Annelinde Gerritsen argues that education should no longer be just a transfer of knowledge, but should also be the learning of a set of skills that allow a person to keep expanding that knowledge. In addition, education is now available in many forms allowing people to learn when and where they choose.

Life Long Learning Series

SWZ Maritime's July/August issue featured the first episode of the new regular section: "Leven lang leren" (Lifelong Learning). The articles in this section portray how people working in the maritime industry learn and innovate and are meant to inspire other maritime professionals.

Central to these articles are innovative cooperation initiatives, managing innovation processes and passing on and retaining knowledge when it passes from older generations to younger ones.

Join the Discussion

Through our LinkedIn-page you can join the discussion and respond to these articles to keep the story going. Tell us your story, your ideas and your experiences! We are not just looking for technical innovations, but are also keen to hear about how innovative processes are organised and managed.

Because we would like to hear from you, whether you are a subscriber or not, you can download the latest episode of Lifelong Learning here (available in Dutch only).