On Monday 6 November, Netherlands Maritime Technology (NMT) will once again present two awards: the Maritime Innovation Award and the Maritime Designer Award.
The two awards complement three more: the KNVTS Ship of the Year Award, the Royal Netherlands Navy Van Hengel-Spengler Award and the KVNR Shipping Award.
Maritime Innovation Award
Any Dutch company that has recently delivered an innovative product, process or service to the maritime industry can enter for the Maritime Innovation Award 2017. Interested companies have to register before Friday 12 May 2017 through the NMT website.
The jury applies a wide interpretation of innovation. Apart from product and service innovations, the ever more important innovations in company processes are also eligible. Minimum requirement for each submission is that it generates demonstrable Dutch added value.
Maritime Designer Award
Dutch maritime industry stands a lot to gain from renewing the way in which designs come into being. The vision, creativity and determination of individual designers is often decisive for breakthroughs in the area of design technology. That is why the Maritime Designer Award, the former Wim Timmers Designer Award, brings attention to the power and creativity of Dutch maritime designers.
The Maritime Designer Award is meant for individual designers, PhD students and recent graduates, who feel their work and approach deserves more attention and discussion. The award focuses on the way in which a design or part of a ship/offshore vessel comes into being. Examples are original or innovative approaches to the design process, developments of specific tools, possibly including a demonstration.
Candidates have to enter before 26 May 2017 through the NMT website.