In a position paper, the NGO Shipbreaking Platform calls on the European Commission, the European Parliament and member states to support the introduction of a financial mechanism that will enhance safe and environmentally sound ship recycling in line with the standard set by the European Ship Recycling Regulation.
The NGO Shipbreaking Platform asks the EC to develop a legislative proposal in order to implement the polluter pays principle for ship owners with a European Ship Recycling Licence.
In 2015, Bangladesh, where conditions are said to be worst, was again the ship owners’ preferred destination for breaking large ocean-going ships. The NGO Shipbreaking Platform seeks to end the dangerous and dirty breaking of ships on the beaches of South Asia and calls on the shipping industry to take responsibility.
The NGO Shipbreaking Platform's position paper is available for download from the organisation's website.
Picture: Shipbreaking at Gadani Pakistan (by NGO Shipbreaking Platform).