IMO has introduced three new guides that are to support states to effectively implement IMO-adopted mandatory energy-efficiency measures for shipping.

The guides were rolled out during a training under the Global Environment Facility (GEF)-United Nations Development Program (UNDP)-International Maritime Organization (IMO) GloMEEP Project that took place from 12 to 14 September in Batumi, Georgia.

Three New Guides

The three draft guides, which have been specifically developed under IMO’s GloMEEP Project in collaboration with IMarEST, aim to support developing countries in strengthening and developing national regulatory frameworks related to the prevention of air pollution and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from ships.

The guides are:

  • Rapid Assessment Guide for determining the country’s maritime energy efficiency and emissions status (Guide 1);
  • Guide for maritime energy efficiency strategy development (Guide 2); and
  • Guide for incorporation of MARPOL Annex VI into national law (Guide 3).

MARPOL Annex VI includes the energy-efficiency regulations for international shipping requiring new ships (since 2013) to be built to be substantially more energy-efficient than a baseline and existing ships to carry a ship energy efficiency management plan.

Developing National Reports

After undergoing the training, and based on the three guides, GloMEEP Lead Pilot countries are expected to develop their own national reports that will:

  • Clarify each country’s current status with regard to maritime energy efficiency and emissions from ships;
  • Set out national maritime energy efficiency strategies/policies to address emissions from ships and further strengthen implementation of IMO’s energy efficiency regulations for ships; and
  • Lay out draft national legislation for domestic enactment of MARPOL Annex VI (For those countries that have not yet acceded to MARPOL Annex VI or which do not yet have national legislation in place).