The new locks in Terneuzen, IJmuiden and Panama and the Seine-Schelde project; all complex projects in the field of hydraulic engineering in or with contributions from the Netherlands.
SWZ Maritime's special puts a spotlight on these strong feats of Dutch hydraulic engineering and discusses the four projects mentioned above.
The new lock in Terneuzen will improve access to the Dutch ports in Zeeland as well as Antwerp, the new lock in IJmuiden is expected to become the world's largest lock, the multi-billion euro Seine-Schelde project will link two of Europe's most important industrial regions and Dutch Iv-Group designed the innovative lock doors for the Panama Canal expansion programme.
Changes in Dutch Maritime Education
In addition to the special, the SWZ Maritime May issue, also informs on the new parttime hbo programme Maritime Engineering/Shipbuilding at the STC-Group. The new set-up including blended learning (online and in class) of this educational programme allows maritime professionals to obtain a Bachelor's degree while working.
At the same time, the NHL has announced the Dutch hbo maritime academies will train future maritime officers for one single sailing qualification. From July 2019, students will obtain their degree with this new profile.