In 2015, the Dutch ship yards saw a small decline in orders, mostly caused by the low oil price and the accompanying decrease in offshore investments. For 2016, turnover is expected to be fifteen to twenty per cent lower that in 2015.

In SWZ Maritime's May issue, you'll find an infographic which creates a representative overview of Dutch shipbuilding in 2015. Subscribers can download the infographic in high resolution from our digital issue page.


List of Ships Delivered and on Order

Apart from the infographic published in our magazine, SWZ Maritime editor Gerrit J. de Boer also collected as much information as was available about what was built last year and what is on order today at the Dutch shipyards. This list (the "scheepsbouwlijst" referred to in the article) can be downloaded here.

Picture: The infographic from SWZ Maritime's May issue gives a global representation of what was built in the Netherlands in 2015.