The World, the largest, private, residential ship on the seas, will be retrofitted with an Advanced Wastewater treatment system and a Nacos Platinum system for navigation and external communication purposes.

The Wärtsilä Advanced Wastewater solution will replace an existing system and keep the vessel in full compliance with the IMO's requirements concerning the prevention of pollution from ships. The ship is owned by its residents and is managed by ROW Management Ltd based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. The equipment is scheduled for delivery in April, 2016.

Membrane BioReactor

Wärtsilä Hamworthy Membrane BioReactor (MBR) solutions are designed to facilitate the management and treatment of both "grey" and "black" wastewater, and to monitor discharges to the sea. The system treats black and grey water so that the effluent can meet the most stringent marine discharge standards across the globe, including the latest nutrients removal requirements in the Baltic Sea.

Navigation Retrofit

The navigation retrofit to The World will replace an earlier system. The new installation will ensure that the vessel has the latest and most technically advanced system available. The Nacos Platinum system's combination of integrated voyage planning, monitoring, and track control significantly reduces the workload for ship navigators, while improving navigational safety.

The system to be supplied as part of this order includes the integration of an ice radar. "The World" is powered by Wärtsilä main and auxiliary engines, namely two 12-cylinder and three 8-cylinder Wärtsilä 32 engines.

The World

The World is a 196.35 metre long vessel that features a concept combining a private yacht and a luxury vacation home. The ship comprises 165 individual "homes" that are owned by the residents, who together own the ship. It sails the globe and caters to the highest standards of convenience and lifestyle. The on board systems, including that for wastewater treatment, are required to be of the highest possible quality.

Picture: The World is to be retrofitted with Wärtsilä solutions. Here the ship is in Hong Kong.