Damen Shiprepair Harlingen (DSHl), part of Damen Shiprepair & Conversion, has acquired a repair, blasting and paint hall from Strametco Vastgoed BV.

The hall is located on the DSHI yard premises and accessible via the yard's ship lift. A covered repair facility is not dependent on weather conditions to complete maintenance work.

More than Repairs

Activities in the hall will not be limited to repairs, blasting and painting. If necessary, the hall can also be used for conversions and damage repairs, for example. In the past this was often problematic, because the hall was owned by a dedicated painting company.

Damen Shiprepair Harlingen can now repair vessels up to 90 metres in the fully covered hall. The doors have, with a total width of 20 metres, the same size as the ship lift, while the height under the overhead cranes is over 34 meters.

Blasting and Spraying

At the rear, a separate hall has been built consisting of two parts. One part is designed as a blasting hall. From here, a dividing door leads to the spraying hall, where the blasted parts can be protected immediately.

The blasting and spraying hall can treat both smaller parts of vessels, such as fishing vessel booms, blocks and hatches as well as structural components from external customers. Think of containers, agricultural equipment and trailer boats.