(With extra pictures) Although mostly known for his airplanes, Anthony Fokker was also fond of boats. He strove to apply airplane technology to create an advanced, fast yacht, with the Q.E.D. as the result.
SWZ Maritime's September issue includes an article on Anthony Fokker's life and his yacht Q.E.D., Quod Erat Demonstrandum, meaning “which was to be proven”. Fokker himself put a lot of time and effort into the design of his revolutionary yacht. He wanted to use all the knowledge he had gained in the design and construction of airplanes. The challenge was, through the construction of the Q.E.D., to eventually build larger yachts with substantially less weight. The idea was to achieve higher speeds and improved economy and efficiency. The Q.E.D. was launched at the shipyard of the Consolidated Shipbuilding Corporation, New York City, on 20 June 1938.
Subscribers can now read the September issue online. As promised in the magazine, below you find a photo album with extra pictures of Anthony Fokker, the Q.E.D., his airplanes and the flyboat concept (please click the pop-out link to view the pictures in their proper dimensions).
Picture above: Schooner Laura Annie Barnes and Q.E.D.