Central to SWZ Maritime's summer issue is Walk-to-Work vessel Kroonborg.

The Kroonborg was designed to a long and complicated list of functional requirements. The vessel will transport maintenance personnel to and from offshore platforms for the NAM and Shell, meaning helicopter transfers will no longer be necessary. With DP2 and a motion compensated Barge Master with crane and Ampelmann gangway, the ship offers comfortable accommodation as well as safe transfers to and from platforms. Read all about this special vessel in SWZ Maritime's July-August issue.

Other articles describe the christening of the George Stephenson in London, the summer storm that impacted the Netherlands in July, the state of 3D printing in maritime industry, the Dutch maritime strategy and the state of German shipbuilding. In addition, there is an interview with Roemer Boogaard who has left the volunteers of the KNRM for the yacht builders of Royal Huisman, and the concluding part of Machine Powered Ship Propulsion.

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  • News,
  • "Maritieme markt",
  • "Maand maritiem",
  • From the media,
  • Mars, and
  • News and events from the KNVTS and Netherlands Maritime Technology.

SWZ Maritime's July-August issue will appear Friday 28 August. Subscribe now or log-on to read the July-August issue online now.