Responding to the industry’s need for more guidance on procedures related to LNG bunkering, the US Coast Guard (USCG) has published two new Policy Letters on LNG Bunkering, Personnel Training and Waterfront Facilities.

Since US ports do not have LNG liquefaction and storage facilities yet, ships will have to rely on small-scale bunkering for the time being. This practice harbours certain risks that had not been addressed by US legislation until now. With regard to simultaneous operations (SIMOPS) USCG points to DNV GL’s Recommended Practice for “Development and Operation of LNG Bunkering Facilities” for guidance.

Recommended Practice for Simultaneous Operations

In 2013, DNV GL developed the Recommended Practice to help facilitate the development of an international LNG infrastructure while waiting for the final release of the ISO 18683 workgroup document on systems and installations for supply of LNG as fuel to ships. It was released on 15 January 2015 and builds on DNV GL’s RP.

Simultaneous operations such as loading/unloading of cargo or passenger movements at the terminal during bunkering operations require special attention. DNV GL recommends carrying out a full quantitative risk assessment with the aim to demonstrate that overall safety targets are met, evaluate and select safeguards and risk reducing measures and eventually confirm or develop safety zones.

USCG Policy Letters

Further information on LNG safety as well as DNV GL’s full Recommended Practice for Development and Operation of LNG bunkering facilities can be found on the DNV GL website. The USCG Policy Letters on Guidance for the Use of Liquefied Natural Gas as a Marine Fuel are available for download.

Picture: The port of Jacksonville could become a key LNG bunkering centre in the United States (by Ramunas Bruzas).