The first edition of the new year contains articles on the Fast Displacement Hull Form (FDHF), the use of augmented reality when navigating a ship, the arrival of the world's largest ships in Rotterdam and much more.

The other articles in SWZ Maritime's January issue are:

  • An evaluation of the accident with the MOL Comfort, which broke in two in the Indian Ocean and sank.
  • An article on Lifetime Learning, in which Bart Boon discusses continuous learning in maritime industry and his own maritime career.
  • An article on commercial sailing.
  • An article on the Gimballed Tender Access System, which allows for easy transfers between yachts and tenders.
  • An article on the difficulties one ship German cruise companies are facing in the current economical climate.

The regular sections are News, "Maritieme markt", "Maand maritiem", From the media, Mars, Book reviews and news and events from the KNVTS and Netherlands Maritime Technology.

Digital Issue Online

SWZ Maritime subscribers and KNVTS and Nautilus members can read the digital version of the magazine online. Although the January issue does not appear until Friday 30 January, subscribers can read it online now.

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Picture: The Pieter Schelte arriving in Rotterdam (by G.J. de Boer/SWZ Maritime).