Even before it is completed, the Dutch government has decided to sell the new Joint Support Ship (JSS) Karel Doorman. The sale is part of a number of defence cuts that should help bring the government budget in order.
In February 2013 SWZ Maritime featured an article on the JSS Karel Doorman, which was supposed to be ‘a next generation electrical propulsion ship’ and was suitable for tasks “within the full spectrum of military theatre”. The JSS will now be sold even before being commissioned.
Simpler and Cheaper Supply Vessel
Instead of the JSS the Dutch Ministry of Defence will acquire a simpler and cheaper supply vessel. The new vessel will takeover some of the tasks of the Zr.Ms. Amsterdam and will supply ships with oil, munition and spare parts.
The simpler supply vessel will not be able to transport heavy arms systems (battle tanks will be sold, as was decided in 2011) or heavy machinery. The ship will therefore be smaller and have a smaller crew.
Picture: Artist impression of the JSS Karel Doorman (SWZ Maritime February 2013)