The entries "Collaborative Design Tools" by Jan van der Zee (Conoship International) and "Installation Technique for Wind Turbine Blades at Sea" by Roderick den Ouden (Vuyk Engineering Rotterdam) have been nominated for the VNSI Wim Timmersprijs 2013.

The winner will be announced at the Maritime Awards Gala on 31 October at "De Broodfabriek" in Rijswijk.

The nominees were selected during the Design Congress at the TU Delft on 12 June. At the congress four designers presented their entries to the audience and jury.

Collaborative Design Tools

Jan van de Zee described the link of a ship division module to a Computer Aided Design System. Through this link, creating and adjusting drawings during the listing process can be done much faster and critical analyses, such as ship damage stability calculations, can be conducted much earlier in the trajectory.

A pilot has shown this approach works by building a tank plan and analysing its characteristics. With a neutral exchange format real time data can be withdrawn and exchanged between both applications. The method also reduces the chance of errors.

Installation Technique for Wind Turbine Blades at Sea

Roderick den Ouden presented how a new method was created for installing turbine blades at sea. He created a selection method for moving, rotating and installing wind turbine blades by using 3D visualisation techniques and process animations. After selecting a few promising concepts, bottlenecks were identified. Regulating the lifting process appeared to be the biggest bottleneck.

A lot of attention was paid to interaction with the client and other parties involved by creating clear roles and responsibilities. His method has led to a conscious choice of systems for turbine blade installation with minimal technical risks.

Other Entries

The other entries concerned the design of a new rescue boat for the KNRM based on the Sea Axe concept by John Nieboer (Damen Shipyards) and an update on the O-foil propulsion concept by last year's VNSI Wim Timmersprijs winner Bas Goris.

Picture: The 2012 VNSI Timmersprijs winner Bas Goris with the O-Foil propulsion concept (by SWZM/G.J. de Boer)