Several entrepreneurs from small and medium-sized maritime companies will meet at the “idea café”, an initiative of IOD, Syntens and Quietus. On 21 May they will share knowledge,  and innovation opportunities and put innovation plans for chain and service logistics in motion.

The event will create a platform for entrepreneurs, starters and students who want to present and realise innovative ideas. The submitted plans can become a part of a larger innovation plan that may be subsidised. This subsidy is in the form of an IPC (Innovation Achievement Contract/Innovatie Prestatie Contract) for which ideas can be entered until 21 June.  

IOD and Syntens have successfully completed several IPC projects. Their first project in 2011 saw a 13.8 per cent turnover increase for the participating companies. At the end of April 2012 Agentschap NL approved their second IPC request. This resulted in a subsidy of almost 400,000 euros on a total investment of the participating companies of 1.1 million euros.