The latest SWZ Maritime pays attention to the Inventory of Hazardous Materials (the former Green Passport), the investigation into the accident with the Waldhof that capsized on the Rhine, the Ports and Hinterland conference 2012, devlopments on Port State Control and weather measurements on board.

In addition, the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) when designing "Lemsteraken" is discussed, there is an interview with new PvdA (Dutch political party) member of Parliament Albert de Vries and one can read the second part of the article on Vroon's IT infrastructure project.

The regular sections of this issue are:

  • News
  • "Maritieme Markt"  
  • "Maand Maritiem"
  • Book reviews
  • Mars Report
  • News from Holland Shipbuilding Association and the KNVTS.

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