IHC Merwede has opened the IHC Innovation Lab at the RDM Campus in Rotterdam, where students can work on new IHC concepts and test them in the market. Through the Lab students can get to know IHC Merwede and the company comes into contact with potential new employees.
The opening took place 21 February. 16 students of the Hogeschool Rotterdam are the first to attend the Lab. They will work on assignments such as developing the port dredger of the future and creating a work station concept for a diving support vessel.
Multidisciplinary Innovation Teams
The Lab is meant to attract mbo, hbo and universtity students to create multidisciplinary innovation teams. Mark van de Zande, programme manager of the Innovation Lab: 'Innovative prototypes could potentially be built with our own technical education centres. In this way, students are involved with new developments early on.'
Picture courtesy of Irum Shahid