Of course SWZ Maritime's November issue extensively covers the Maritime Awards winners and the Maritime Awards Gala that took place 8 November at the Cruise Terminal Rotterdam. In addition, there are articles on vessel traffic management in the port of Rotterdam, the position of the Dutch master when an incident occurs and much more.

Other subjects of the articles include:

  • A call for help on supplying any information on the companies Werf Gusto and GustoMSC. The goal is to create a historical overview of these companies in addition to what already appeared in Gusto Inside 19 (available for download on www.gustomsc.com). To contribute to this project or for more information, please contact marketing@gustomsc.com.
  • LNG as ship fuel
  • How Guilty Is Captain Schettino?
  • Changes on board due to the SEEMP
  • An interview with Maurice Krul of diving and salvage company W. Smit
  • The current status of yacht and cruise building in China
  • 2.5D Packing in ship design (the first part of this article appeared in SWZ's October issue)
  • The second part of Capturing Configuration Rationale in Complex Ship Design

This edition further contains the regular sections:

  • News
  • "Maritieme Markt"
  • "Maand Maritiem"
  • "Voor u gelezen" (from the media)
  • MARS Reports
  • News from the KNVTS and the Holland Shipbuilding Association

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