The theme of the Process & Asset Risk Conference (PARCNL) will be asset risk management in both upstream and downstream operations. The conference takes place 20 November and is organised by DNV and DNV KEMA.
Visitors will receive an update on the (newest) legislation and regulations with regards to asset and safety matters by the Dutch State Supervision of Mines. Due to recent events in the market for culture and safety in the oil and gas industry, a speech will be given about this subject by the Nederlands Aardolie Maatschappij. Furthermore, several case studies will be discussed by amongst others Gasunie and DNV KEMA.
Download the preliminary programme in pdf from the DNV website.
Target Audience
The aim of this conference is to bring together all stakeholders of the Oil & Gas supply chain and the related Maritime supply chain such as asset managers, general managers, safety managers, operations managers and other people having key responsibilities in managing process & assets risks. There will be the opportunity to network during this event. Lunch and drinks will be provided.
Place, Time and Language
- Date: 20 November 2012
- Time: 9:30 hrs – 16:30 hrs
- Place: TBA, Rotterdam
- Language: English
- Fee: This conference is free of charge