Heerema Fabrication Group’s Hartlepool yard in the United Kingdom received a frame contract from GDF Suez E&P UK for the fabrication and commissioning of four topsides for the Cygnus gas field development on the UK Southern North Sea.

The total expected scope of the Cygnus project for execution at the yard will represent approximately 10,500 tons fabrication work and consists of the 3,900 tons Process & Utilities (PU) module, two bridges of 200 tons and 250 tons and a 250 tons flare, a 1600 tons Wellhead module and a 1500 tons Compression module (which will be installed onto the PU module) all destined for the Cygnus Alpha three bridge-linked complex. Fabrication work of the remote Cygnus Bravo development will consist of the 2800 tons Wellhead module.

Delivery in April 2015

Fabrication of the Cygnus Alpha Wellhead topsides is due to start in December 2012 for completion in March 2014. This is to be followed by expected commencement of fabrication in June 2013 of the Cygnus Alpha Processing & Utilities module, bridges and flare as well as the Cygnus Bravo Wellhead topsides, all scheduled for completion in April 2015. Subsequently in December 2013 the fabrication of the Cygnus Alpha Compression module will start, which will also be ready for installation onto the PU topsides in April 2015.

The work will create in excess of 1 million man hours and additional supply-chain jobs.

Cygnus Gas Fiedl

The Cygnus gas field is is the sixth largest gas field in the UK Southern North Sea and will consist of four platforms and is scheduled for first gas production by the end of 2015. Cygnus Alpha, a three platform bridge-linked complex and Cygnus Bravo, a not normally manned installation located in UK’s Southern North Sea approximately 150 km north-east of Easington in a water depth of 23 meters. The produced gas will be exported via the ETS to Bacton. The field is operated by GDF SUEZ, with partners Centrica and Bayerngas.

Picture: Cygnus Alpha Wellhead platform