One of the regular sections of SWZ Maritime is MARS Reports, reports from the Marine Accident Reporting Scheme. As we receive more of these reports than we can publish in our magazine, we post the other ones online. Read them here.

MARS Reports cover all kinds of maritime incidents such as (near) collisions and groundings to accidents with tools, falling objects injuring crew and accidents with rescue boats. SWZ Maritime strongly believes relaying these incidents may help prevent new accidents from happening.

Oil Cargo Spill from Tank Washing Line Drain Cock: MARS 201223

During a ballast voyage, a product tanker completed tank cleaning operations for change of cargo grade. Her next loading port was in North America, and in anticipation of freezing winter conditions, all fresh and sea water lines on deck, including the tank cleaning lines drains, were left open as a precaution. The supply valves of the individual tank cleaning machines were ordered shut.
The ship loaded a full cargo of diesel oil and sailed. After disembarking the sea pilot at about midnight, the vessel began rolling to a moderate beam swell. By daybreak, the Chief Officer (C/O) on bridge watch noticed a small pool of oil cargo moving with the roll on the main deck starboard side, between the deck longitudinal and ship’s side. The Master was immediately called and the oil spill emergency response plan was activated. Upon the Master’s arrival on the bridge, the C/O proceeded to the main deck. Meanwhile, the crew had plugged all the scuppers on the main deck.
The crew found that cargo was coming out through the open drain cock on the tank cleaning line branch to 5 Starboard Cargo Oil Tank (COT). This valve was immediately shut, and the deck team then discovered that the supply valve for 5S Tank Cleaning machine was also partially open. The supply valve was then also closed tight. Although no oil or sheen was visible in the ship’s wake, it is possible that some oil could have escaped to the sea during the hours of darkness.

Diagram showing the circumstances that caused the backflow and escape of cargo from tank cleaning line

Immediate Actions Taken

  1. Clean up operations were commenced and the spilled cargo mixed with water (estimated 500 litres) was transferred to the slop port tank by portable pump.
  2. The incident was reported to the office.
  3. The Qualified Individual (QI) was notified as required by Vessel Response Plan, who, in turn, reported the incident to USCG.
  4. Alcohol testing of all staff was conducted and negative results recorded.
  5. All tank-cleaning lines, valves and drains were confirmed shut.

Deck fittings at spill site, drain cock (left open), tank cleaning line supply valve (inadvertently left partially open)

Root Cause / Contributory Factors

  1. Faulty design: The supply valve for 5S tank cleaning machine was found partially open despite the order for all valves to be closed. All these valves were fitted with long operating handles very near deck level which could easily get in the way of a person walking past. During the final stages of loading, many ship and shore personnel were on deck in the vicinity of this valve handle as the tank was gauged and sampled. It is possible that anyone, particularly a shore person, could have accidentally kicked the valve handle and opened it without knowing the consequences.
  2. Crew negligence: All tank cleaning line valves in this vessel are designed to accommodate a locking arrangement but many locking pins were missing and therefore the valves could not be positively secured in closed position.
  3. The drain cock of the tank cleaning line was kept open as a precaution against freezing. This resulted in only a single valve barrier between cargo tank and the environment, which presented an unacceptable pollution risk.
  4. With the near-full loaded condition, the tank cleaning machines were submerged in the cargo. The increase in vapour pressure inside the tank due to cargo sloshing resulted in the cargo being pushed up into the tank cleaning line. The cargo then passed through the partially opened tank cleaning valve and fully opened drain valve on to the deck, resulting in the oil cargo spilling on deck.
  5. The Company’s pre-loading checklist does not specifically require the closing of the tank cleaning line and associated drain valves.

Tank cleaning line supply valve – note missing locking pin

Corrective / Preventative Actions

  1. A safety meeting was conducted by the marine superintendent at the next port and the incident was discussed in detail.
  2. Crew re-trained on proper post tank-cleaning/pre-loading procedures.
  3. Pre-loading check list has been amended to include the closing of all tank cleaning line valves, drain cocks/caps.
  4. Missing locking pins on all valve handles have been renewed.
  5. Placards have been posted near all tank cleaning and line drain valves to ensure they are closed prior to any cargo operation.
  6. Chief Officer’s standing instructions have been amended to ensure that all drain valves are positively shut after tank cleaning operations.
  7. Incident made part of pre-boarding briefing for all officers.

Corrective action – protruding valve activating handle secured shut with locking pin

Lessons Learnt

  1. As a routine, a two-man team must regularly ensure that all deck valves not actually required for a cargo tank operation are secured shut.
  2. Risk of pollution exists even when vessels are safely navigating in the open sea.

Cargo Damage Caused by Overheating of Fuel in DB Tanks: MARS 201227

Uncontrolled heating of fuel oil stored in double bottom (DB) tanks has resulted in cargo damage. Soya bean meal cargo in contact with the tank top of No 4 hold was charred and turned into a hard layer at the bottom of the hold. In other holds, where DB tank temperatures were better controlled, the cargo was not affected. Records proved that the cargo damage was attributable to inadvertent overheating of the DB fuel oil tank in way of No 4 hold during the voyage. The ship had to be placed off-hire for three days for removal and disposal of the damaged cargo and a heavy cargo damage claim had to be settled with the consignee.
Experience has shown that grain, soya bean meal and many other kinds of agricultural produce are prone to damage if they come in contact with heated surfaces. There are also several other bulk cargoes like coal, sulphur and direct reduced iron (DRI), which can spontaneously undergo a chemical reaction and ignite/catch fire when in contact with heated surfaces. When transporting such cargoes, besides taking care to control the heating of fuel oil tanks, the recommendations of the IMSBC Code must be strictly followed to prevent a dangerous situation from developing as well as to avoid cargo damage.


Through the kind intermediary of The Nautical Institute we gratefully acknowledge sponsorship provided by:
American Bureau of Shipping, AR Brink & Associates, Britannia P&I Club, Cargill, Class NK, Consult ISM, DNV, Gard, International Institute of Marine Surveying, Lairdside Maritime Centre, London Offshore Consultants, Lloyd’s Register-Fairplay Safety at Sea International, MOL Tankship Management (Europe) Ltd, Noble Denton, North of England P&I Club, Port of Tyne, Sail Training International, Shipowners Club, The Marine Society and Sea Cadets, The Swedish Club, UK Hydrographic Office, UK P&I Club

Submit a MARS Report

More reports are needed to keep the scheme interesting and informative. All reports are read only by the MARS-coordinator and are treated in the strictest confidence. To submit a report please use the MARS report form (