Risks and safety; the March edition of SWZ Maritime features a lot of articles on these issues. Pieter Zijlmans discusses the safety of large passenger ships with reference to the Costa Concordia; the capsizing of training sailing vessel Concordia is discussed and there are articles on maritime risk perception as well as some interesting Mars Reports.
Other topics in this edition are:
– The Turbine Foundation Liner Concept; an article by Dutch Offshore Innovators. https://www.dutchoi.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=83&Itemid=204[Animations of this innovative ship design can be found on the company’s website].
– Maritime project management.
– Maritime knowledge management.
– The new minor in Dutch maritime education: the minor Ship Electronics.
Regular sections include:
– News
– Maritieme markt
– Maand maritiem (https://www.swzonline.nl/nieuws/1[check the extras on SWZonline here])
– Voor u gelezen
– Nieuwe uitgaven
– Mars Report
– News from the KNVTS and the Holland Shipbuilding Association
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