During Europort 2011, the North Sea Ballast Water Opportunity project hosts the conference: Ballast Water Management “Threat or Treat?”. The conference is intended for all that are to comply with the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC) of 2004.

Past experience learned that many of the affected parties simply do not know about the BWMC and its implications. Therefore, the focus of the conference is to share our knowledge on the practice of implementing the BWMC. This is important because the entry into force date is rapidly approaching.

https://www.swzonline.nl/download/71[Download the programme of the conference here.]

North Sea Ballast Water Opportunity Project

The conference is organised by the North Sea Ballast Water Opportunity project. In this project over 40 European partners and subpartners join hands to acquire and share knowledge about Ballast Water management. Visit the https://www.northseaballast.eu[North Sea Ballast website] for more information.

Conference at Europort

The conference will be held on the 8th and 9th of November 2011. The conference is free for all participants pre-registered at https://www.europort.nl[the Europort website].