In November, the 5th International Symposium on Treatment of Wastewater and Waste on Ships (SOWOS) will take place in Hamburg Germany. The new directives concerning waste(water) will be discussed intensively.
The event takes place on 25th November 2011 in Hamburg, Germany. Main topics are the treatment and disposal of wastewater and ballast water and port reception facilities for ship generated wastes. The revision of MEPC.159(55) as well as the directive 2000/59/EG about port reception facilities for ship generated waste and cargo residues shall be discussed intensively. SOWOS is meant for all parties involved (authorities, certifying bodies, constructors, operators, shipowners, ship yards, etc.).
To highlight the scope of the event, an exhibition open to all manufacturers who wish to present their equipment and technology as exhibitors, will accompany the Symposium.
– The Ship Safety Division (BG for Transport and Traffic)
– The VDR (German Ship-owners Association)
– The PIA (Development and Assessment Institute in Waste Water Technology at RWTH-Aachen University).
For more information, please visit[the PIA website].