MT Højgaard has contracted Jumbo Offshore for the transport and installation of all of the 111 Transition Pieces (TPs) for the Anholt Offshore Wind Farm (Denmark). The 400 MW wind farm is currently being developed by DONG Energy and will be the largest offshore wind farm in Denmark.

The Anholt Wind Farm is located in the ‘Kattegat’, near Anholt Island. It is a result of Danish government policy, which aims for a society independent of fossil fuels. In 2020, 30% of gross consumption should come from renewable energy. For the Anholt contract, the TPs will be loaded at Bladt Industries (Aalborg, Denmark). Every TP weighs approximately 200 t, is 17 m tall and has a diameter of approx. 5.5 m. One of Jumbo’s DP2 Offshore Heavy Lift Vessels will install the TPs on pre-installed monopiles, starting April 2012.


Mobilisation is planned in Rotterdam early April 2012. The mobilization will include a motion compensated access bridge (for safe access to the TP when the vessel is on DP), a grout plant, a purpose-built lifting beam, two passive lifting compensators of in-house design, grillages and seafastenings. The two 900 t Huisman mast cranes will be re-reeved to their project specific configuration.


Jumbo’s all-in-one installation method that was applied at the Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm (UK) will be largely repeated for the Anholt contract. This method consists of loading nine TPs at a time, transport them to the site and install them.

Picture: Jumbo Offshore installs transition pieces for Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm (UK).For more pictures of this operation, please click[here].