SWZ Maritime features an interview with Wubbo Ockels, co-creator and owner of the ‘green’ selfsufficient yacht Ecolution. RTV Noord also dedicated a news item to this special ship. We have enclosed the item https://www.swzonline.nl/weblog/3[here on swzonline.nl].

The Ecolution is a 26m long yacht that will be completely selfsufficient. To accomplish this, the ship carries batteries weighing 10,000 kilograms in total. Listen to Wubbo Ockels introducing his new ship (in Dutch) on https://www.ecolutions.nl/index.php[ecolutions.nl].

Ecolution in SWZ Maritime

Read all about the Ecolution in the July/August edition of SWZ Maritime. View our https://www.swzonline.nl/page/21[subscriptions page] or contact customer service on abonnementenservice.swzmagazine@thiemegroep.nl to order a single issue.

Picture: Artist impression of the Ecolution (provided by Ecolutions BV for SWZ Maritime)