A number of ocean carriers involved with the international transport of project and heavy lift cargos have announced the founding of the International Council of Heavy Lift and Project Cargo Carriers, also referred to as the Heavy Lift Club.
Issues of importance and concern to the Heavy Lift Club include education, technological innovation, the environment, security and the awareness of considerations involved with the marine transport of heavy lift and project cargos. Jan Steffens from Rickmers-Linie was selected to be the chairman of the group.
Membership is open to ocean carriers who are routinely engaged in the international transport of heavy lift and project cargos through the use of a long-term controlled fleet of self-sustained heavy lift vessels. The club has a non-rate discussion agreement filed with the Federal Maritime Commission.
The Heavy Lift Club has a non-rate discussion agreement filed with the Federal Maritime Commission. All of the following carriers are or will be members of the Heavy Lift Club following Federal Maritime Commission approval: Australia Asia Line; BigLift Shipping BV; Beluga Chartering Gmbh; BBC Chartering & Logistic GmbH & Co KG; Chipolbrok; Clipper Projects A/S; Conti-Lines; Hyundai Merchant Marine; Intermarine, LLC, representing Industrial Maritime Carriers, LLC; K/S Combi Lift; Nordana; Rickmers-Linie GmbH & Cie KG; Scan-Scott; Scan-Trans; and Universal Africa Lines Ltd.