The European Commission has adopted a Green Paper setting out the future challenges of its policy for a trans-European transport network (TEN-T). In the Commission’s view, the TEN-T policy overall context has evolved and new challenges have emerged in the last years that justify a fundamental review of the policy rather than just a review of the priority projects.

The future TEN-T policy approach should take into account climate change objectives, support Europe’s increasing international role through better infrastructure connections with its neighbours and the wider world, and strengthen its supporting role for economic and social development. Other major objectives underlined are to achieve stronger network integration as the basis for efficient co-modal operations for both passengers and freight traffic and to promote technological innovation. The review also aims at increasing the added value and effectiveness of Community action and to respond to the need to align the TEN-T policy and planning objectives with the instruments available.

Integration into Logistics Chains
Ports are recognised as key components of freight logistics chains and insufficient inland connections, in particular for rail, are identified as a key obstacle to the proper integration of ports into logistics chains. In this regard, the Green Paper underlines that the future TEN-T infrastructure development policy should give particular attention to the appropriate development of port’s infrastructure and more efficient hinterland connections and to the removal of bottlenecks on major transport axes.

Call for Views
he Commission invites stakeholders from sectors concerned by the TEN-T development to express their views on the outlined policy objectives and discuss three possible conceptual options for TEN-T development which take account of both the planning concept and the corresponding implementation instruments. On the basis of this consultation process and on further technical analysis, the Commission envisages to elaborate its proposal for the new TEN-T guidelines.

The Green Paper is available from the[Commission’s website]. The full programme of the ESPO conference, which is entirely devoted to the TEN-T theme, can be found[here].
