Germanischer Lloyd’s (GL) Maritime and Corporate Services received the ISO 9001:2008 certification. It was awarded by the German certification body DQS after a thorough assessment of GL’s quality management system. GL complies with internationally recognized standards for quality systems.
The ISO 9001:2008 certification process started in November 2008. GL developed and implemented a Quality Assurance System that conforms to the strict requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 standards.
The quality management has been reviewed according to criteria such as customer orientation, accountability, leadership, process-orientation as well as continuous improvement, to name a few.
Picture: (f.l.t.r.): Helmut Stais, DQS Coordinator New Business Portfolio; Jens Nicolaysen, Lead Auditor DQS; Dr Hermann J. Klein, Member of the Executive Board Germanischer Lloyd; Gert Krüger, Head of Key Account Management DQS; Thorsten Guhr, Executive Vice President Corporate Quality Management GL; Ramon Azúa, Head of Department Quality Management GL. ([GL])