The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Executive Board has temporarily suspended DNV’s accreditation for validation and verification of CDM projects. DNV is addressing the issues raised by the CDM Executive Board, and hopes te regain the accreditation within two months.
DNV was one of the first two organisations to be CDM accredited, and has so far validated close to fifty per cent of the registered projects worldwide. DNV’s CEO Henrik O. Madsen acknowledged DNV has to improve in some areas, but feels the CDM Executive Board’s suspension is too harsh.
Reasons for the Suspension
The non-conformities mainly relate to DNV’s practices for internal audits, and how DNV documents the allocation of specific competencies to the projects and refer to emerging requirements for allocating competencies. DNV was already trying to adapt to the new requirements and will now accelerate the process.
DNV expects to regain the accreditation within two months, “depending on the schedule of the CDM Executive Board, and the formal procedures,” says Madsen.
Projects May Suffer Delays
In the meantime, no projects can be filed for registration by the CDM Executive Board and DNV cannot request issuance of certified emission reductions. This means that some of DNV’s customers may have to wait some weeks longer than expected for their projects’ formal validation and verification procedures. DNV is not in a position to take on new projects as long as the suspension is valid.
“We are contacting our customers and explaining the situation to them. We strongly regret the situation that has occurred. We are doing our utmost to rectify matters as soon as possible,” says Madsen.
Picture: DNV’s CEO Henrik O. Madsen ([DNV])