Victor Schoenmakers has been elected Chairman of the European Sea Ports Organisation. On the eve of the organisation’s 15th anniversary he commented on recent evolutions in the port sector which have fundamentally changed the role of port authorities.

“Whilst some predicted years ago that port authorities would become superfluous, I believe we are witnessing today a renaissance of the port authority in Europe. Not the bureaucratic, semi-governmental institute we used to know, but a dynamic match-maker which facilitates business development and at the same time looks after sustainability of the port and its harmonious integration in environment and society.”

“These developments should also guide us in our work at ESPO,” added Schoenmakers, “next to its role as professional organisation and spokesman for the port sector, ESPO should become a genuine think-tank on future challenges of port management and port development. In that way we can really contribute to a professional and flourishing European port sector. Ports are essential for the global competitiveness of Europe. ESPO is ready for it and we shall foster partnerships with colleagues in Europe, with inland ports and service providers, but also overseas.”

Next spring, ESPO will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) in Washington DC.

Biography Schoemakers
Schoemakers is Director Europe at the Rotterdam Port Authority where he held various positions since 1993. Amongst other responsibilities, he was closely involved in reorganising the municipal port authority into an autonomous limited company.

He succeeds Giuliano Gallanti as Chairman of ESPO. ESPO members congratulated Gallanti for his leadership during the last four years and for successfully bringing the European Commission and the port sector together again after the ports package saga, a process which led to the adoption of the new EU ports policy last year. Members further elected Manuel Gómez Martin (Puertos del Estado) and Julian Skelnik (Port of Gdansk) as Vice-Chairmen and welcomed the Port of Koper (Slovenia) as new member.

ESPO Award
ESPO celebrated its 15th anniversary at the Théâtre du Vaudeville in Brussels. ESPO also announced it is installing an award for initiatives of port authorities that promote integration of ports with their local communities. The first ESPO award is expected to be handed out autumn 2009.

Picture:[Port of Rotterdam]