The project proposal ‘Shore Support’ investigates the social, legal and technical possibilities of shore support for shortsea ships. This will improve ships’ safety and stimulate flexible manning opportunities.

Shore Support is meant to be a sustainable approach to use effectively the limited resources of engineers, using the technical options available ashore to optimize shortsea ships’ performance. International parties are invited to take part in this unique initiative.

When a ship leaves a port, she is on her own until the next port of call. The international regulatory framework, including the manning and training standards, are build around this principal. The team of nautical and technical trained officers and crew, have to be able to react on the circumstances they encounter. No one else is able to help them when the nearest land is thousands of miles away.

Physical limitations
This self supporting principal is reaching its limits. Engines become more complex, and at the same time, more reliable. As a consequence, ship’s engineers gain less experience with breakdowns and are less capable to react effectively in an emergency situation. It also hampers the introduction of new technologies, such as all electric propulsion systems. Ship’s engineers cannot gain the in depth knowledge or the experience to these specialised systems. Combined with a growing worldwide shortage of qualified engineers, the shipping industry is confronted with a major problem.

Taking up the Challenge
A consortium of maritime partners within the Netherlands investigated these developments and now takes up the challenge to look for innovative solutions. The traditional manning principles need to be seen from a different angle. A ship is part of a logistic chain and can be managed accordingly. Especially coastal ships can rely on shore support. However, this does need a fundamental change of view from both the shipping industry and the international regulating institutes. The traditional job design needs to be modified to an integrated management approach from the shore. Reliance on third parties for critical onboard systems, places the shipping industry with a number of questions.

Seafarers, students, shipowners, ship managers, unions, civil servants, marine suppliers or other interested parties that wish to contribute to the Shore Support project are welcome to respond. Please contact for any additional information.