Skilltrade and STC have announced their jointly launched Hydrographic surveying Course Category B – is recognized by IHO–FIG-ICA International Advisory Board.
The comprehensive ‘Category B Course in Practical Hydrography’ curriculum was submitted to all ten members of the IHO-FIG-ICA International Advisory Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors (IAB) in April 2008 for review.
Skilltrade and STC jointly received notification of recognition for the submitted course curriculum. The letter of the Chairman Mr Gordon J. Johnston stated: “The Board reviewed the course material supplied and the subsequent clarifications and information provided and is pleased to confirm recognition of the ‘Category B Course in practical Hydrography’.”
The course curriculum consists of four Competence Modules:
– Module 1 is a single week Basic Safety Course;
– Module 2 consists of a three week full-time course ‘Basic Subjects’, designed to bring candidates up to speed where necessary in core areas such as mathematics, statistics, physics, nautical science and ICT;
– Module 3 consists of a nine week full-time course “Essential Subjects” designed to provide students with all the professional competencies required for the hydrographic surveyor, as defined by ‘IHO-FIG-ICA Class B’ standards, such as bathymetry, water levels and flow, positioning, hydrographic practice, hydrographic data management, environmental science and legal aspects;
– Module 4 concludes the course curriculum with 4 weeks of on-site training, either with the student’s employer or with one of the Skilltrade partner survey companies.
Specialized Field Professionals
All lectures are developed and taught by specialized field professionals. In addition to classroom instruction there are guest lectures and workshops from various collaborating survey companies and survey departments by way of presentations, site visits and equipment support for practical training in preparation of the survey project and final report.
First Results
The first three courses were well attended. Most students passed their final examinations and are now working towards diploma status, which will be granted after two years of field experience.
Cooperation with STC
The three week Basic Course is taught in cooperation with STC in Rotterdam, using their state-of-the-art maritime education facilities. Staff from the STC maritime education program mans the vessel used for the survey project at the end of the curriculum.
Qualification and Diploma
A committee consisting of both members from STC as well as those qualified to assess hydrographic competence, evaluate the entry-level competence for the course curriculum. Students can receive exemption or may be required to complete additional courses in order to qualify for entry.
A full IHO-FIG-ICA diploma can only be achieved after completing and submitting logbooks detailing the students’ practical experience over a period of 24 months approximately depending their previous background.
The next courses start on the 25th of August 2008 with another following on the 12th of January 2009. The recognition of the curriculum by the International Hydrographic Organization is an outstanding example of productive cooperation between education and industry.