From 2007 to 2010 the Dutch government will invest 10 million euros in maritime industry to promote maritime innovation. After a 1.8 million budget in 2007, the Dutch State Secretary of Transport and Public Works has announced that 2.4 million euros will be available for the Subsidy Maritime Innovation (SMI) programme in 2008.

To qualify for the SMI programme projects have to relate to the following subjects:

1. Durability
– Dealing with ballast and waste water
– Reducing emissions (Nox, CO2, PM10)

2. Safety
– Preventing damage to ship and cargo and increasing crew’s safety
– Preventing loss of containers and heavy cargo at sea

3. Logistic Efficiency
– Optimize ship’s yield and safety within the entire logistic chain
– Saving fuels
– Application of ICT and telematics to monitor the ship’s condition
– Life cycle support for equipment

These subjects are similar to those in 2007.

The 2.4 million budget is divided in a 2 million budget for large projects and a 0.4 million budget for small projects. Small projects are handled on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. The remainder of the 0.4 million budget, if there is any, will be added to the budget for large projects.
