

Ernstige twijfels over kabinetsbesluit onderzeebootvervanging (read this article in English here) Samenwerking versterkt Werkendams cluster Breathing life into inland navigation innovation LVBHB 50 jaar 3D printed and autonomous Verlenging is een duurzaam groeimodel...


SWZ|Maritime’s December 2022 issue: When it comes to safety, learning never ends The Mars Reports in each edition of SWZ|Maritime teach that, as a seafarer, you can never be alert enough and should take all lessons in acting safely seriously. But also that...


SWZ|Maritime’s July-August 2022 issue: SMM, sustainability and energy transition Admittedly, it is an open door to say that many maritime professionals worldwide have probably been looking forward to finally meeting each other next month after four years at the...


SWZ|Maritime’s March 2022 issue: EU shipbuilding gets lost in naivety Hope and optimism keep us going, but one can also get lost in it. As with too much optimism people like to forget reality. Long before the 24th of February, simple people like me could see...