

Ernstige twijfels over kabinetsbesluit onderzeebootvervanging (read this article in English here) Samenwerking versterkt Werkendams cluster Breathing life into inland navigation innovation LVBHB 50 jaar 3D printed and autonomous Verlenging is een duurzaam groeimodel...


Waterstof: stand van zaken in Nederlandse zeehavens Anders denken over de waarde van zeehavens Maritieme maakindustrie in transitie Ammoniak als grondstof Cyberweerbaarheid in maritieme sector Rotterdam Zeevarenden: uit het oog, uit het hart? ‘Houd Europese havens uit...


In addition to the regular sections such as Dutch news, Maritime monthly, Global news, Book reviews, news from the KNVTS and Mars Report, the articles (some in Dutch) in the March issue are: IMO-klimaatstrategie en -maatregelen Nuclear-powered ships Nuclear power for...


SWZ|Maritime’s December 2022 issue: When it comes to safety, learning never ends The Mars Reports in each edition of SWZ|Maritime teach that, as a seafarer, you can never be alert enough and should take all lessons in acting safely seriously. But also that...


It’s not that we asked for it, because it adds considerable extra stress when the deadline for the November issue falls on the morning after the Maritime Awards Gala 2022. And celebrating is not very convenient when there is still a lot of work to be done to include...