

Ernstige twijfels over kabinetsbesluit onderzeebootvervanging (read this article in English here) Samenwerking versterkt Werkendams cluster Breathing life into inland navigation innovation LVBHB 50 jaar 3D printed and autonomous Verlenging is een duurzaam groeimodel...


How Royal IHC seeks to future-proof its ship designs The SEA Defence project Soundings have been taken Future ships and shipping: Green and smart Systematic innovation in electric (POD) propulsion Sustainable design: Looking at the bigger picture Low-emission,...


This is an important lesson for everyone involved in inland navigation, especially politicians, policy makers and officials. Ensure that in reducing emissions, it does not become impossible to transport cargo on the smaller inland vessel. Because even that smaller...


In addition to the regular sections such as Dutch news, Maritime monthly, Global news, Book reviews, news from the KNVTS and Mars Report, the articles (some in Dutch) in the March issue are: IMO-klimaatstrategie en -maatregelen Nuclear-powered ships Nuclear power for...


It’s not that we asked for it, because it adds considerable extra stress when the deadline for the November issue falls on the morning after the Maritime Awards Gala 2022. And celebrating is not very convenient when there is still a lot of work to be done to include...